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Specialty Camps

Registration for Summer 2025 is now open!


This camp offers week-long workshops, projects and lots of exciting activities. Specialty Camps offer the opportunity to learn new skills and develop new interests all within the fun of a summer camp.

Dates: July 2 – August 29, 2025
Times: 8:00am – 9:00am: Drop off
9:00am – 4:00pm: Programmed activities
4:00pm – 5:00pm: Pick up
Site: River Heights (1370 Grosvenor Avenue)
Age: 6-12 years old (must be 6 by September 1, 2025)
Birth Years: 2013-2019


*Short week: $164.00

Kids in the Kitchen & Field Trip Week: $250.00

*Prices include all field trip and transportation fees

**For all camp registrations you have until June 1st to request a refund. After that date they are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE**

Weekly Themes

July 2-4: Around the World *short week $123*

July 7-11: Crafty Kids

July 14-18: On With the Show!

July 21-25: Fun with Science

July 28-Aug 1: Kids in the Kitchen ($250

Aug 5-8: Our Planet *short week*

Aug 11-15: Field Trip Week ($250

Aug 18-22: Let the GAMES Begin

Aug 25-29: Design, Build, Create

*A Typical Day in Specialty Camp:

8:00-9:00am: Drop Off (free time in gym)
9:00-9:30am: Arrival, Introductions, Rules, Name Games
9:30-10:15am: Gym Games/Activities
10:15-10:30am: Snack (no nuts, nut products, or fish please!)
10:30am-12:00pm: Workshop (work on theme skills/activities)
12:00-12:30pm: Lunch (no nuts, nut products, or fish please!)
12:30-1:30pm: Gym Games (floor hockey, wall ball, tag, etc)
1:30-3:00pm: Workshop/Games (continue, and play games to do with theme)
3:00-4:00pm: Outdoor Games/Activities and Play Structure
4:00-5:00pm: Pick Up (free time outside/in gym)
*This is a “typical” schedule, it is subject to change due to weather, field trips, or otherwise.

Please note that all activities, field trips, and workshops are subject to change. Kids in specialty camp will be spending the majority of the day doing activities based on the theme of the week. We also incorporate time into the week for use of the playground and splash pad (weather permitting). An email will be sent out on the Thursday before camp starts that outlines the activities for the week, information for the field trip (if applicable) and what to bring to camp for the week.